Choosing Best Webhosting for Blogger Blogs

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Choosing best webhosting for Blogger blogs

To many, blogging is not just a hobby, but a business, a career. Time and again, we have emphasized the importance of keeping a business-minded approach in order to be successful. Being a business of sorts, blogging should also be treated as such. Businesses require investments, and need to grow. So does blogging. When people create a free blog, they don't usually think ahead, and instead end up restricting themselves. The most people would do is, buy a domain and leave it at that, especially Blogger users. They don't realize the importance of a proper web-hosting. Hence, in this post, we talk about why you should get a web-hosting, and which host to choose.

 Difference b/w Domain Hosting & Web Hosting?

Domain hosting means that you are simply purchasing a custom URL with TLD extensions like  .com .net or .org etc. which will mask It costs around $10-$12 a year to buy a domain from blogger itself. With this option you only get a free email ID such as You can not upload files in your hosting nor can you create sub-domains. You are limited to Blogger Dashboard only.

Web hosting in layman terms is simply buying a storage space for your website online, just like a folder online. Your files will be stored in secured hard disks owned by the web hosting company. Like all our files of services page, tools and Forum are stored with our web host. When you buy webhosting you also get a free domain with it. You can choose to use your existing domain or buy a new one. You can upload JavaScript/CSS, PDF files, Videos, Audios, almost anything on your web host and each file will get your branded URL. For example we have stored our ebook " Pro blogger Secrets Revealed" on the subdomain "Downloads":

Why buy a web-hosting?

Web-hosting refers to storing your website files on a separate and dedicated web server. This is different from domain hosting. Domain hosting simply refers to purchasing a custom URL for your blog. While it is true that Google provides free web hosting for your Blogger, the fact remains that this hosting is really limited. You will face the following restrictions even if you buy a custom GoDaddy domain for your Blogger blog.

  1. You can not create sub-domains (
  2. You can not create a forum or any similar application
  3. You can not create custom webpages
  4. You will be limited to a few custom email addresses (if they are provided at all)
  5. You will not be able to host scripts on your site, and will have to rely on a third-party
  6. You will not be able to upload files that you want, except for images and videos that can only be added into your posts
  7. There's a limit of 1 GB to the total size of pictures you upload
  8. Each individual page be of at lax 1 MB in size

These are some of the many things that differentiates a blogger from a webmaster. Beginners often don't realize their importance, and are hesitant to spend money on a proper hosting. These features come in really handy if in the future, you want to expand the scope of your blog, and want to add custom pages, applications, tools, and add your custom scripts.

Will Webhosting effect your Blog Traffic and SEO?

Web hosting will give a professional touch to your blog. It gives you a brand name and look. People will be more willing to share your content on social media and link back to your pages. Your reputation would increase threefold in blogosphere. The more backlinks you receive the better your Search engine ranking.

Google considers free domains mostly as spam and so do Sponsors. After purchasing a custom domain with a storage space, your blog will be trusted more as E-A-T (Expert, Authoritative and Trustworthy) . Your chances of getting accepted by AdSense and buysellads will increase tremendously as long as you continue producing High Quality content.  It is simply a Win-Win decision.

This very blog you are reading runs on Blogger. We've had experience with many web hosting companies and would likely moving from blogger hosting soon.

It is time to make up a decision! With over trillion of web pages published each day, competition is at its peak and if you have not yet made the decision to kick-start your online business in a professional way then you are missing a great deal of marketing edge. We receive tons of questions daily on webhosting through our forum, Emails and blog comments. To make sure we reply each question in detail, we have crafted this post with the only hope to clarify all your doubts concerning hosting your blogger blogs.  This post shares some of the very honest reasons that has helped us tremendously in becoming the Brand that we are today.What are some of the things you should look for when choosing a web host? The criteria for choosing a free web host and a commercial web hosting solution are slightly different although they do overlap.Let's share your view with us through comments.


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