Do You Know the No.1 Secret to Boosting ‘Genuine’ Email Subscribers?

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Do You Know the No.1 Secret to Boosting ‘Genuine’ Email Subscribers?

Your email list plays a paramount role in your marketing. In 2012, 3.3 billion people had an email account. That number is expected to crest 4.3 billion by the end of 2016, according to a report by tech market research firm, The Radicati Group.

With numbers like that, it makes a lot of sense to continuously increase the number of email contacts that you have. A growing email list can attract new customers, generate buzz about your business, build relationships and increase your bottom line.

To help you substantially build your email list, we’ve put together a list of  effective ways to increase your subscribers. Each of the four methods below has detailed instructions so you can improve your list without a huge learning curve. You’ll save time and inject your list with new names at the same time.

The no.1 killer tip to increasing your email subscribers is this..
Put an opt-in form at the bottom of the blog post
Most people who visit your blog will not read your content… that’s the sad truth.
If they do read your content and they do make your bottom of the blog post, that means they like what you’re talking about!
They like what you’re offering to them..
And if you’re getting them to the bottom of the blog post, what’s the better time to take action?
The people who enter their email address at the bottom of the blog post also suggests that they actually read your content!
That’s a good person to have in your email list :)

’nuff said..
Now go and apply on your blog.
If you don’t know how to create an email optin form at the end of the posts here’s a small tutorial to create one.
Go to custom_functions.php
Add the following code
function afterpost_email() {
if (is_single()) { ?>
Paste your email optin code here [for AWeber users, it’s very easy to embed the single line java code]
<?php } }
add_action(‘thesis_hook_after_post’ , ‘afterpost_email’); [/alert]

While this list offers four specific ways to increase your email list, there are many ways to do so. Considering the value of your email list, you want to continually make efforts to add to it. And of course, we’ve written extensively about using email sign up forms to collect email addresses and why they are a no-brainer for your business.

What’s the most successful way that your business has found to collect email addresses? Share your experience in the comment section below.


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