How to Create Compelling Copy that Even Your Cat Reads?

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How to Create Compelling Copy that Even Your Cat Reads?

Creating compelling copy isn’t a rocket science.
Do you know what exactly a compelling copy means?
It is…
..making your readers to say “yes” to whatever you write.
But how can you make them nod?
There are few things that can help you create a compelling copy almost every time, like
  • knowing your audience
  • finding their trigger points to grab their attention
  • developing your writing voice etc
Here are few surefire ways to creating a compelling copy that makes a buzz around your blog.

How to create compelling copy all the time?

Generate ideas.

The fist step to creating compelling copy is: generate ideas.
Brainstorm whatever comes into your mind when you’re decide to write. You need blog post ideas to create great content all the time.
But how can generate ideas for your blog posts?
Here are few tips to come up with blog posts ideas
  • Have a glance over popular posts in your niche
  • Hang out on Facebook groups to know what others are posting
  • Use forums
  • Generate blog post ideas through questions your readers ask
  • Use twitter search to see trending topics
  • Go through Amazon books (and look at the magnetic headlines that attract: tweak them to your benefit!)

Show uniqueness to stand out.

Why should someone read your blog?
If you’re offering nothing new, no one will be interested to read your blog no matter what.
If you show some uniqueness to stand out, you’ll be definitely creating great impact on your blog readers to read your compelling copy.
So how to stand out to create compelling copy?
Develop your own writing style: This is the single most factor that can bring you massive results, audience and money in the long run. Don’t try to copy other’s style, make your own, and increase your fan base :)

Keep your writing simple.

Be human.
Blogosphere is getting too personal, no one likes to read generic content. Especially when you’re writing something like ‘Wikipedia’.
I REALLY hate to refer Wikipedia links even though it has great contents – it simply lacks a personality. Add personality to create a compelling copy – everyone will be interested in reading and sharing your contents then. Be personal!
So how to be personal?
There are 3 tips to add personal touch to create a compelling copy.
  1. Add some humor
  2. Use the word YOU
  3. Write like you talk

Make it scannable to turn a normal copy into compelling copy.

Here’s a deal between you and me. I bet you will lose.
[note]Do you read everything that you come across online?
At least do you read word to word even a single article each day?[/note]
The answer is.. NO (that I know ;))
So what can you learn from this?
Always make your content scannable to make it a compelling copy.
  • Break your long paragraphs into small
  • Use lots of bullets, sub heads and italics
  • Read this article to write scannable content

Make your compelling copy go viral – promote.

Your copy becomes a compelling copy only when you promote it like hell.
Make sure you’re giving more visibility to each and every post you write. When more readers are finding your blog to read your content, it’s the easiest way to make it go viral.

Creating compelling copy: takeaway!

No matter how great your content is, it has to be formatted the right way to grab others attention. Most bloggers don’t care about crafting their articles – they end up with mediocre formatting.
Spend quality time on crafting your content, use appealing images, link to relevant links to further reference, and make sure you always have great headlines to create compelling copy.
Over to you:
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