Write a Noticeable Blog Post

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 Lately, it seems as though everyone has a blog. There are thousands of blog posts on every imaginable topic, all seeking reader attention. With all of this competition, how do you make sure that your one blog post stands out? There are a variety of theories on the subject. I put together the top three qualities of blog posts we have written that stand out, grab attention, and inspire engagement to help you answer this question.

  1. The first one is a little obvious, but still needs to be said. Have a fresh idea. If your idea isn’t fresh, say something about the topic that’s different. For example, tons of people write about blogging. If you want to blog about blogging, first look at what everyone else is saying, look at what questions people are asking, and then answer a question that hasn’t been answered, give a different answer, or say it in a more interesting way. Also, draw from your own experience. If you have ever had trouble finding the solution to a problem, chances are you aren’t alone.
  2. Use a variety of media to create visual and auditory attention. While a nice picture to put at the top of your post is good, it’s possible to do better. If you are writing a how-to blog, include a video. If you are including lots of stats and figures, include graphs. Even if your topic is somewhat stale, you can still draw attention to your blog post if yours is the only one with an explanatory infographic, for example.
  3. Promote your blog post on a wide range of social media platforms. Pin your post’s URL with a relevant picture. Screenshot your blog post and put it on Instagram. Use Google+ communities. And most importantly, join in on the conversation! People are much more interested in what you have to say after you show interest in what they have to say. Respond to comments about your own post, but also interact with other blogs and social media posts. Search hash tags on Instagram and Twitter to find people who are interested in your blog topic. Follow them, and interact with them. Just like in real life, the more you talk to people the more they talk back. Not to mention, you are bound to get some good ideas for future blog posts from your conversation.
A successful blogger is a mixture of psychologist, writer, graphic designer, and internet marketer. You have to pay attention to social trends within your niche on the internet and respond to them. Be creative and don’t be able to try something new. Some tactics will work, and others won’t. But either way, it will give you something new to blog about.


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